War of the krork

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He then proceeded to yell at the enemy to come closer so he can bite them. This hilariously happened to Zogstruk, but in this case he explosively lost both his arms and legs due to over-straining himself when he channelled extremely potent Waaagh! energies to be unleashed at the enemy.An Arm and a Leg: Happens occasionally to Skullkrak and his krew, but thankfully they're able to replace their lost limbs with Power Klaws or other such flashy (and useful) equipment.Based heavily off LordLucan's Story: The Shape of the Nightmare to Come, the quest starts during the End Times, and continues well past them. The War of the Krork is a Warhammer 40K quest by Red Flag, starring the Ork Warboss Skullkrak Godstompa whose Waaagh! ends up evolving him and his forces into the Krork.